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Organization/Entity*: Pragathi Foundation
Country/Economy: India
Organization type*: Technical Community and Civil Society
Name of the initiative*: connecting the unconnected
Date of the initiative*: June 2019
Description (300 words):
In the last one month, the mobile radio station has visited 60 villages in Tumakuru district and has reached over 25,000 people - said one english daily, Deccan herald on 08th May.
Namma Halli Radio, is a platform to express yourself. With main focus on vernacular local languages and dialects, school students and volunteers help with designing, recording and editing the audio programmes. Then we share this information through public announcements in all the villages.
The main focus of the radio programmes are,
Girish NP, a media enthusiast, created Namma Halli Radio in Tumakuru district, to focus on primary education. The last few years Janastu has encouraged Girish to pursue his vision.
Topic*: affordability, accessibility, universal service strategy, regulatory innovation and experimentation, Other / community radio engagement
Keywords: community mesh, community radio, mobile van, emergency communications, covid-19 campaign
Name of contributor*: Vedanthi Girish
Job title: Director
Phone number: +91 9353309616
Email address*:
Organization/Entity*: Janastu
Country/Economy: India
Organization type*: Technical Community and Civil Society
Name of the initiative*: gig enabling the unconnected
Date of the initiative*: Jan 2020
Description (300 words):
Two from our team just made it back from a field visit to Mirzapur a day before lockdown. The plan was to introduce mesh networks and Pi recorders to get young women to share living stories from the community. But after lockdown, we had to re-strategise.
The team started working from home and unsure of when we could physically travel again. Lockdown has been miserable for many migrant workers, craftspeople and daily wage earners. We focused on collecting stories and tools to help archive them. We have set up a syncthing instance to upload recordings from devices to the mesh and Janastu sync server. Shalini collected stories from our team, shepherds and reverse migrants. Sanketh has been photographing empty streets and crowded migration hotspots. Bhanu has been coordinating audio tagging and archival tool development. Mani has been helping make posters for online campaigns. Girish and the Community radio team have been visiting villages around and communicating safety and risks of Corona, also programming everyday expressions from villagers and students.
On we published making and using reusable masks. Renarrated global messages from doctors into simple Kannada language. A disinformation awareness work started with Bidar Yuvaa group. Maker activities such as 3D printed mask prototypes, electric bicycles and UV corona elimination devices are worked on by Manoj. Supported a number of people and groups working on relief work in regions of our friends networks. Also working with Urban Folk Project on a post lockdown collaborative platform to map needs of interconnecting documentors, services, artists and other resources to needs of disheartened communities.
Shalini has stories of women including pastoral women. Girish has from village women including alcohol being an issue. Also from friends we know it's been a bad time for LGBT, people with HIV, muslims and many minorities.
Topic*: Emergency Telecommunications, Affordability, Accessibility, Universal Service Strategy, Regulatory Innovation and Experimentation, Broadcasting, Other/lockdown stories, platforms, relief communications
Keywords: lockdown stories, platforms, relief communications, inclusion, minorities, crafts and the handmade
Name of contributor*: Shalini
Job title: Program Manager
Phone number: +91 9986 971 886
Email address*:
Organization/Entity*: Futuretron foundation
Country/Economy: India
Organization type*: Technical Community and Civil Society
Name of the initiative*: Making in the times of Covid lockdown
Date of the initiative*: March 2020
Description (300 words):
It was uncalled times for lot of us here.
I run the Futuretron Labs, were we work on an electric vehicle mobility solution.
Lots of decisions had to be made during the lockdown: two of our employees from different districts had to move to their native communities and I was working out of this place called workbench projects, and since workbench projects is based out of metro premises they had to shut it down till the relaxation was lifted, still I was able to access the place once in a while.
I started collaborating with Janastu in their workspace as it was easier to commute and I could do so using the bicycle.
It was super fun to use this and test the capacity of the same during these times.
As part of our work we translated a good talk on COVID19 by Dr. Dave Price (Weill cornell university New york) from English to Kannada.
And as an entrepreneur I was looking at what can be done during these times that will enhance our skill sets as well as to put our knowledge to use.
The idea was to make simplistic design of products.
That’s when we developed three products:
Topic*: affordability, accessibility, universal service strategy, regulatory innovation and experimentation, Other / making in the times of covid
Keywords: emergency heath services, emergency communications, making in disaster times
Name of contributor*: Manoj Ramamurthy
Job title: Director
Phone number: +91 98440 27600
Email address*: